
Beauty Maintenance Tips for Housewives

Housewives, the truly staunch asset of a nation and a family! The mistress of home, apart from handling uncountable chores at home, also has a vital duty of engaging a man, (yes!  I repeat, a MAN :p ), to one place, to make him stick to one woman for whole life! I believe one of the most strenuous thing in the world in some cases... :p

Being crushed with the workload of routine, women stop taking care of themselves and end up putting on weight and having hair fall, rough skin, pimples, pigmentation and and many other such problems... Protecting every one under her shadow; prioritizing others... An ignored housewife is the one who actually needs be handled with care and affection....  

Within the kitchen, You can find all that may help... all you need to do is to borrow a little time from the day just for you! Follow the simple affordable and easy beauty maintenance tips below to retain your looks and your guy will stand with you through life with his love having no downfall ;) 

Long lashes

  • long lashes beatify the eyes and make them pop out which looks more pretty. To lengthen'em, when you're about to sleep, Dip the Mascara brush or cotton bud in castor oil and apply it on your lashes. Coconut and Olive oil can also be used. Continue this for 2-3 months for best ever results!
  • petroleum jelly is also considered a way to get the healthier lashes, try it too! :)  

Get rid of pimples and acne

  • Increase your intake of water and rub ice cubes on your pimples gently.
  • Avoid to touching your face frequently.
  • Apply Sandalwood (chandan) paste with rose water which would you remove the acne marks and scars.

Reduce freckles & blackheads

  • Rubbing softly tomato cut into half would make the freckles fade out.
  • cleansing face with clean cloth wet in warm water may help to remove the black heads

Remedy the wrinkle
  • wrinkles are mostly due to lack of sleep de hydration and eyesight problem or your faulty reading habits, to fade them out keep your body properly hydrated by drinking enough water
  • rubbing ice cubes or tomato mask on wrinkles or covering with cucumber may help.
  • get at least 7-8 hours sleep. 

Aiding the Abrasive skin

  • working more often makes the skin and lips rough and rigid, applying Vaseline can aid you  in such case by priding the abrasive skin its needed moister
  •  Some oils can also do the same.
  • "Malai" results faster for softening the lips and skin.

Get a bit thinner by Cutting out the fat

  • Having a chubby physic makes you loose your self confidence ? Try Green tea, it is associated with weight loss, as it helps to increase the metabolism. It Works to Burn Calories by speeding up the metabolism, causing you to to lose weight.

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